Saturday, March 21, 2009

El Zaribah Shrine

Late yesterday afternoon was the spring equinox. The gray cold grip of Winter gave way to the new life of Spring, life once again returning to the World.
Today, the first full day of this season of re-birth I was privileged to Pipe for the new Nobles of El Zaribah Shrine. New Nobles stepping forward from our Masonic ranks, to carry on our work, and the work of all who have gone before.
Nobles of the El Zaribah Spring Class of 2009, we salute you!



Dave said...

I’m glad the gray cold grip of winter gave way at your house. I woke up to ½ foot of snow!!!

Mike (AKA Pops) said...

It hasn't snowed here in Phoenix for years. I do have a place in Winslow though where it more than a little cold!