This was written by an Anah Shriner Highlander regarding an incident prior to a parade in Bangor Maine

An Experience Related By Highland Drummer Noble Tony Smith
Friday afternoon, August 22nd, we were tuning up for the Sea Dog gig under the Joshua Chamberlain Bridge prior to the opening of the Folk Festival. We were approached by a Maine family; a Mom, Dad along with the approximate 3 or 4-year-old child in a stroller. The child’s mother kept waling towards us shouting: “THANK YOU”, THANK YOU”. At first from a distance it wasn’t apparent why she was saying thank you. I was thinking she may have thought we were one of the traveling bands there for the Folk Festival and was happy to see a pipe band in the lineup.
That certainly was NOT the case. She saw the ANAH logo on the Bass drum and knew exactly who we were. She pointed to her child’s prosthetic legs and said that is the work of the Shriners Hospital. “THANK YOU so much for what you do, ALLYOU SHRINERS, THANK YOU”. This child was wearing shorts and sneakers and if she had not pointed out they were prosthetic, then I probably wouldn’t even noticed.
This family was very grateful for the work Shriners hospital had done for their child and even watched our band’s performance. They wanted us to convey their thanks and gratitude to ALL SHRINERS for the hard work they do to support the hospitals and families of patients.
Hearing this really brightened up that late Friday night drive to Manchester for the Northeast Shrine Field Days which followed the Sea Dog gig.
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