First of all I realize that it is usually a mistake to post anything "political" on this forum. However, that being said, I attended my first Patriot Guard Riders funeral today. It was very moving, for many reasons none the least of which was the tear filled expressions of thanks from the freinds and family.
The purpose of the PGR honor guard was to shield the family and loved ones of the deceased from the obscenities and insults of a group of Topeka "Christians".
Suddenly it occurred to me what a great honor these protestors were paying to the deceased. Captain Corey Jenkins gave his life to insure them the freedom to hurl insults and obscenities at his greiving family. Such was the value he placed on personal liberty.
Captain Jenkins, you are a far better man than I!
An excellent though, and one I agree with. That man died to preserve their right to spew their vitriol. I wish they'd realize that.
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