It was a fortieth birthday party, and as is often the case with such events the piper was to be a surprise. I arrived at the party on schedule and was met in the front yard by my hostess and the perpetrator of this event. Everything was progressing according to plan.
The party was in the back yard, so she opened the gate on the side yard. I gave her a moment to rejoin her guests, and then proceeded to march in playing a medley of Scotland the Brave, The Minstrel Boy, and The Rising of the Moon.
A brief silence fell over the crowd until they realized what was going on (Pipers are something of a rarity here in Phoenix, Arizona) and then they really started to get into it.
It was a lovely multi generational event with everyone from Toddlers to Gray Beards present. It occurred to me that this is one of the things I enjoy most about what I do, seeing and being a part of extended family and close friends celebrating and interacting with one another.
The birthday boy was singled out for special attention and I piped Happy Birthday to him, and Amazing Grace to his vanished youth!
In all I piped for about half an hour, and before anyone’s eyes started to glaze over I was gone. What a Great Time!

Slainte Mhor!